Feb 12
When you have invested precious time and money in setting up a website, you naturally want to get the most out of it that you can. You will also want your site’s visitors to get exactly what they want from it.
Website optimization is the process of designing web pages with an eye towards achieving a higher rank in the listings of the popular search engines. Carefully researched and placed keywords and phrases, well-written tags and text and an overall positive design are key components needed when optimizing a website.
If website optimization is not enough to increase your website’s profitability, you may need to look at using conversion rate optimization testing. This identifies what you need to do to improve your customer satisfaction rate.
What is a Conversion Rate?
There are two types of website conversion. Type one involves attracting potential customers to visit your website, whereas type two actually occurs when a visitor is using the site. This measures the number of visitors that remain on the site to make a purchase, or that sign up to be a member. Many website managers concentrate their efforts solely on the first type of conversion, basing their success on the volume of visitors. However, if you want to realize the maximum return on the investment you have made in your website or product, you will need to focus more on the second type.
Maximize Your Conversion Rate
Maximizing your conversion rate means establishing how to increase your Revenue per Visitor. Revenue per Visitor is the average value of a visitor to your website; visitors who register as members, or that purchase items successfully obviously have a higher revenue value.
Conversion rate optimization testing is useful to determine when visitors are leaving your site prematurely, and why. One of the most common findings relating to conversion rate failure is lack of trust on the part of the visitor. Finding the weak areas of a website and strategically reassuring the prospective customer at these points, can make a big difference in building a relationship of trust with him or her.
Advertising can actually help in this regard. Article-based advertising is very productive among desirable demographics, such as 18 to 24 year olds and those with incomes over $75,000 per year, and is the preferred form of online advertising. Visitors are more likely to read and act on this type of advertisement, and online articles stimulate more searches for products and services. If they can read and evaluate it on their own time, consumers will frequently follow through by clicking for more details. Integrating articles and other types of informative materials into your website will help increase your conversion rate by allowing consumers to participate and interact with your products or brands in an intelligent way.
Case Study:
An online casino gaming website specializing in slot machines, wanted to improve their visitor traffic and conversion rate. After professional evaluation, they began by improving the launch page, by emphasizing the benefits of game registration and online play. They implemented micro-conversions – smaller steps allowing visitors to transition from being an anonymous player to a registered player without difficulty. To draw visitors to the site for other reasons than simply slots, the website added article-based content in the form of how-to’s, general information, commentary and blog postings. Positive results were seen immediately and the Revenue per Visitor continues to increase.